Welcome! I am glad you’re here!
I am Ashley.
I am a 30 something being, full of love, fire, laughter, compassion, softness, and presence. I have many roles– Mama, Accountant, Friend, Sister, Coach. As a teenager, my mom would call me ‘Plain Jane’, as I would wear the same outfit (white t-shirt and jeans) multiple times a week and stay home a lot. I smile thinking of that now, as I aim for a life without much fluff. I enjoy my life of simplicity, yet with intentionality and adventure.
Of course, I haven’t always been a Life Coach. I know what it’s like to be conflicted. I used to be so lost in my thought patterns and self-doubt that I could barely take any action. I spiraled for years yearning and frantically searching for what I thought existed outside of me. I simply decided there had to be a better way. When I began to detach from what I thought my life should be and how I thought I should be, ease began to flow in. I started to shift incrementally towards a life that was more aligned with my core. Some of my deepest discoveries have come from unrested places of uncertainty, sadness, pain, and low self-worth. This is truly a beautiful paradox of what life can teach us.
Through my growth, I’ve discovered that part of my work here in this lifetime, is to help guide others to a life they desire. A life where they embody the power and skills to create more joy, acceptance, ease, and love of self.
I believe in being a student of life. I’m continually learning, evolving, and welcoming new ideas.
Thanks for being here!
With love,